Modena Fire Company

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2025 Working Fires/ Accidents wEntrapment
Working Fires Accidents W Entrapment
3 0

2025 Incidents
January 28 85
February 0 0
March 0 0
April 0 0
May 0 0
June 0 0
July 0 0
August 0 0
September 0 0
October 0 0
November 0 0
December 0 0
Total 28 85

2025 Incidents by Municipality
Modena 0 0
South Coatesville 0 0
East Fallowfield 0 0
Newlin 0 0
West Marlborough 0 0
West Bradford 0 0
Mutual Aid 0 0
Total 0 0

Past Incidents
Fire EMS
2024 442 1253
2023 364 1059
2022 371 1066
2021 325 858
2020 280 843
2019 270 839
2018 278 927
2017 289 924
2016 286 917
2015 302 868
2014 276 888
2013 306 853
2012 279 773
2011 255 740

Web Counters
Website Visitors
May 1, 2007
Visitors Today
Feb 07, 2025


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Signed on July 17, 2020 at 8:34 AM
Name: Gerald Fitzler
Rank/Title: Chief

Hey I'm a chief out in York county and saw you guys out on a call recently! You guys really are hores and I hope I can build my department to be as good as you all.

Signed on November 06, 2019 at 12:01 AM
Name: Sam
Web Address:

Thank you so much for your service and all you do for our community!

Signed on December 26, 2017 at 10:01 AM
Name: Bruce Foster
Rank/Title: fire chaplain /firefighter
Web Address:
Location: Kirkville, New York

I was visiting my daughter for Christmas, and had the pleasure of seeing Santa visit the Northwoods housing tract on Sunday, December 24

Santa was scheduled to ride our engine in our "fire district" on
Sunday, December 17 and unfortunately we had to respond to
a house fire.
Our neighboring fire company was able to bring Santa to our
residents so that the kids weren't disappointed.

Wishing all of you at Modena Fire Company a Happy New Years
from all of us at Kirkville Fire Company.

Signed on December 15, 2016 at 11:19 AM
Name: Robert Gallucci, Jr.
Rank/Title: Retired
Location: East Fallowfield

Wanted to thank the Modena Fire Company and the Ambulance crew that responded to our home on 12/14/2016 for my mother. I do not remember the name of the crew, but they both did a great Job. The EMT was great at helping to calm my mother down to assist her breathing and they are a highly professional service.

We all need to realize how important these services are and the length the volunteers of these companies go, to provide services for the community. We NEED to support these companies with a decent tax for all they do for free!

Signed on April 05, 2016 at 10:59 AM
Name: george maxwell
Location: Ephrata pa

Pass member in the 1950's before joining the navy wish you well in future

Signed on January 29, 2016 at 11:31 AM
Name: Ron Pforter
Rank/Title: old nozzle nut
Location: Schwenksville, PA

Back in 1977, while a nursing student at the old Coatesville Hospital, I joined station 37 to run fire and ambulance calls. A time when "Bear" was the Assistant Chief and Davis Pluck was an awesome ff/EMT friend. The archived apparatus pics brought back some good memories. My most humorous memory while running as an EMT was a call for an "equestrian accident". Having no idea at the time what an equestrian accident was, i jumped at the chance to take the run. Davis and I and another EMT responded with the old Caddy. After responding, I turned to Davis and asked him what the heck an equestrian accident was. He turned and looked at me in amazement and said why it's a horse accident. As it was Mrs. Hannum's old mare had died mid-air while jumping over jump and landed on top of Mrs. Hannum. It was an interesting and enlightening call.

Time has brought much change for you guys as well as better equipment. Your new engine is pretty sweet as is all your apparatus.Use it well guys, keep up the good work, and stay safe. God's best to you all.

Signed on December 09, 2015 at 1:25 AM
Name: Mark Walsh
Rank/Title: Photographer
Web Address:
Location: Thorndale

Thank you guys again for having me down to the station to shoot the apparatus. I really appreciate it and appreciate all the nice comments. Looking forward to working with you in the future as well. If you ever need me you know how to get me.

Signed on November 30, 2015 at 11:28 PM
Name: joe barber
Location: new holland pa

congrats on the new engine good luck with it

Signed on November 30, 2015 at 9:21 PM
Name: Larry Dubs
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Location: Strathmere fire

Looks awesome good luck with your new engine and be safe

Signed on October 14, 2015 at 9:50 PM
Name: Larry Dubs
Rank/Title: Driver
Location: Station 9 Strathmere NJ

How's your new engine? Please send us some pictures after your make over to engine 37. Thanks Larry

Signed on July 28, 2015 at 2:45 PM
Name: Bruce Foster
Rank/Title: firefighter/emt/fire chaplain
Web Address:
Location: Kirkville, New York

I just wanted to say "great job" in regards to the recent fire in Manchester
Farms development. The story and pictures of rescuing the two dogs
are amazing !!

I am a firefighter in Upstate New York. My daughter lives in the
Northwoods development across from Manchester Farms and
kept me abreast of the fire.

We responded to a similar fire as a mutual aid company earlier this
Spring. A dog was in the garage overnight, and alerted a young boy
with his barking, The boy in turn alerted his parents... They evacuated
the home. We came upon a fully involved fire.... The "D" side
collapsed into the driveway. Unfortunately the dog did not survive.
I consider the dog a hero, as he alerted the family before the smoke
alarms "went off".

Great Job to all of you

Bruce Foster
Kirkville Fire Company

Signed on July 27, 2015 at 5:32 PM
Name: jared corle
Rank/Title: firefighter
Web Address:
Location: windber pa

Wanted to check out my cousin's fire station(corles) good looking dept.

Signed on July 26, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Name: Anne M. Geffert
Location: Coweta, OK

My late husband was a volunteer for a dept in Cherokee County, OK, and always so proud of his time with them.
I have a herd of little Dachshunds.
So the story of these little dogs and their rescue touches me immensely!!
Thank you! Thank you for the time and the resources and the empathy and just everything. It is these small moments that lift the soul and lighten the spirit. If I were closer, I'd bake y'all brownies.
Again, thank you dear sirs!!
Anne M. Geffert
Coweta, OK

Signed on July 26, 2015 at 3:08 PM
Name: Gianna Winters
Rank/Title: Firefighter-wannabe
Web Address:
Location: Pennsylvania

Your website is probably the best FD website I've ever seen. The website banner on this website is my favorite.

Signed on December 26, 2013 at 12:28 PM
Name: Chaplain Foster
Rank/Title: firefighter/EMT Fire Chaplain
Web Address:
Location: Kirkville NY (near Syracuse)

I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to all of you for the loss of your past Chief
Leon Pluck. My prayers are with his family.
I share one thing in common with Leon, having received my original EMT certification
during the same year in 1973-74. I am sure that his EMS experiences will be
remembered by many of you.

Chaplain Bruce Foster
Kirkville Fire Company

Signed on March 02, 2013 at 6:47 PM
Name: Donald Messick
Rank/Title: president West Side VFD
Location: Bivalve MD 21814

Thank you for your great effort with respect to the Sharp Gas truck. The driver will be buried with a full firefighters funeral, tomorrow, Sunday March 3rd. The volunteers of Wicomico County greatly appreciates your efforts.
Hebron VFD has lost a dedicated member and Officer. We will all support their needs in this time of grief.

Signed on December 24, 2012 at 6:06 PM
Name: Christopher O'Brien
Location: 104 Huntington Circle,East Fallowfield,Pa.

Thank You Santa,and the rest of his elves for coming to visit tonight !!! Enjoy your present...Your sacrifices to keep us all safe here on Huntington Circle Do Not go unnoticed !!!,We very much appreciate what you Guys,and Girls do!!! Merry Christmas,and a Happy New Year to you All !!! God Bless !!!

Signed on August 25, 2012 at 9:56 PM
Name: Lisa Light
Location: Providence Hill

Thank you to the members of The Modena Fire Company for making the Providence Hill BBQ so much fun for all of the kids. They loved seeing the trucks and talking to the firefighters. We appreciate all that you do for our community. Thank you!

Signed on June 01, 2012 at 6:25 PM
Name: Dawn Pluck Shook
Location: United States

Just wanted to sent a note to say thank you for the wonderful ceremony your company put together for Walt Pluck.

Signed on May 17, 2012 at 12:25 AM
Name: James Elam Plank JR
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: washington, PA

i would like like to congrats the Modena fire company on the three new awards for the department be safe and take care out there

Signed on May 14, 2012 at 3:43 PM
Name: Corey Hostetler
Rank/Title: Deputy Chief
Web Address:
Location: Morgantown, PA

Thank you for the kind words, and congratulations on your trophies ! Your crew is a class act.

Signed on July 21, 2011 at 11:42 PM
Name: James Elam Plank JR
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: washington, PA

I would like to say thanks for the support of the modena fire company with our mother April Plank passing away on Thursday. I would like to thank you all that came to pay their respects for our mother. Best wises and be careful

Signed on July 14, 2011 at 4:07 PM
Name: james elam plank jr
Rank/Title: fire figther
Location: washington PA

i would like to say that the modena fire company has alot of good people down there and what all the members do for that company is good for the community and be careful

Signed on April 22, 2011 at 4:16 PM
Name: Brian Thompson
Rank/Title: Career EMT (4 Life)
Location: Montgomery County

Hello brothers of Modena. Just wanted to say hi and keep up the hero work! Stay safe out there.

-Brian Thompson, EMT

Signed on February 23, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Name: John DeMarco
Rank/Title: Instructor

To Paul's immediate and extended fire services family, I am very sorry for your loss. I remember Paul a very long time ago when he took Fire 1 and he was one of my students. His good sense of humor was often tempered by love of family and friends. Paul spoke of his extended family and what this job meant to him. I find the words of William Shakespear to come to mind;

The end of this day's business ere it come!
But it sufficeth that the day will end,
And then the end is known.
For ever, and for ever, farewell.
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then, this parting was well made.

Rest well my brother.

Signed on December 30, 2010 at 11:38 PM
Name: Theresa Lockhart
Location: Vienna, West Virginia

I wanted to thank all of you for the sweet jester when it comes to my Uncle Jerry. I am one of his nieces and was so touched by the page that you did for him. Thank you for everything you have done for my Aunt Lucy and Uncle Alfred and all the many cousins as well. God knows right now with the loss of Uncle Jerry everyone is hurting because he was such a special person. It is hard to believe how many lives 1 person can touch.

Thank you again,

Signed on December 28, 2010 at 1:44 PM
Name: Bruce Foster
Rank/Title: firefighter/first responder
Web Address:
Location: Kirkville NY (near Syracuse)

My daughter and her family recently moved to E Fallowfield Township.
Santa visited their neighborhood.
I come to visit frequently. I would like to visit your fire company.
Your website is awesome !!

Bruce Foster
firefighter/medical first responder, Kirkville Fire Company
Kirkville NY

Signed on December 16, 2010 at 1:10 PM
Name: John DeMarco
Rank/Title: Fire Academy Instructor
Location: Chester County, PA

To Liz & Tina:

Congratulations on passing the Firefighter 1 Academy Class. Keep up the good work and stay safe. I wish the both of you much luck and a safe journey through your career. Great job on the speech Tina, but I knew that already. Thanks you for the real and gag gift. I have put the bottle of MD and the chips on my office shelf. It will be there to remind me of the outstanding people in my extended family. May you have a safe holiday and a prosperous new year.

PS: I think I pronounced Dowlin's last name wrong. My bad, I am sorry for that one.

Signed on April 23, 2010 at 8:00 PM
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: france

your site is very good !!
stay safe

i am firefighter to france,and i collect the fire patchs


i want the patch of your fire service,i give my adress:


thank you
good day

Signed on February 08, 2010 at 5:16 AM
Name: Tibor Lorinc
Web Address:
Location: Slovakia

Hello, My name is Tibor, and I am firefighter in Nitra, a city in Slovakia.

Your web page is very nice and interesting.

I wish you a lot of success in your future work.
Greetings from Slovakia

Tibor Lorinc

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Modena Firemen's Relief Association
5 N. Brandywine Ave
Coatesville, PA 19320

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Station 37: (610) 384-3106
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