Joint Training with Westwood EMT Co-Ed Class
By Fire Chief Frank Dowlin
November 24, 2014

On Monday, November 24th, 2014 the Westwood Fire Company EMS division held a training session reviewing vital signs and CPR review. Westwood open the class up to Modena and several of our members took them up on that offer.

The training included a lecture portion on what vital signs are and what they can tell EMS providers about what is wrong with their patient.

After the lecture, there was a practical portion where Good Fellowship Ambulance Club brought blood pressure and lung sound simulators to help better our understanding of obtaining vital signs. They also brought a CPR manikin that read compressions and volume to help members with their CPR skills.

Westwood and Modena are looking into continuing these type class on a monthly basic and rotating them between station in effort to keep our providers well skilled.

Modena would like to thank both Good Fellowship for their instruction and Westwood for hosting the class and providing dinner.