Dinner Provided to Crew by Family from Recent Fire
By Fire Chief Frank Dowlin
February 13, 2017

On Monday evening February 13, 2017, the Modena Fire Company received a gift of appreciation from some unfortunate fire victims.

Cliff and Vicki Smith the residents of 50 Youngsburg Road in East Fallowfield provided dinner to the crew as a token of appreciation for our services on the night of February 3, 2017 when the Smith’s lost the wood shop on their property.

The Smith’s made lasagna, salads, Italian bread, and dessert for around 20 members. Members eat dinner during our company meeting.

The officers and members of the company would like to Thank the Smith’s for a delicious meal.


A fellow volunteeer February 23, 2017 at 12:07 PM
For someone who had a major loss in life to show our volunteers this much appreciation was well received it is not until you need someone that you think of what it takes to get help. Training, fund raising, trying to keep a home life is hard enough again thank you very much it was appreciated.

Modena Fire Company February 24, 2017 at 11:55 AM